

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interview Questions - 1

Interview Month: February
Interview Position: Software Engineer
Interview Duration: About 30 minutes
Interview Company Type: Networking

1. Whats the library used for threading in C on Unix based systems ?

2. What is the pthread library call used to create a new thread and the parameters to the call?

3. How do you think the pthread_lock() is implemented ?

4. Will this work for multi processor/core systems also ? {This question asked in many interviews}
Dont know a proper answer to this question yet. Any links would be helpful.

5. What is malloc? System call or Library Call? Why?

6. At what times does malloc invoke a system call? Does it always invoke?
Answer is something regarding maintaining buckets. Check out malloc implementation details

7. What is a hash-map data structure? How does it store data?

8. Advantages and disadvantages of using a hashmap. Give examples of systems where you would not use 1.

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